Mcb home business

WIB Direct Corporate Token

Sample 1479411508

We try to improve your online banking experience!

We are moving away from Digital Certificates and instead will switch to Soft Tokens in the coming months.

Soft tokens are small, secure applications that generate the log in security code you will use to log in to WIBDirect Corporate on your desktop.

  • Less troubles.
  • Install on PCs, Mac, and mobiles.
  • World-wide leading provider for our Soft Token.

For further inquiries on WIBDirect Corporate please contact us by email or call (1-721) 546 2880 / 2881.

Why a switch from Digital Certificate to Soft Token?

We try to improve your online banking experience!
For a number of years the Digital Certificates you have used have proven to be a reliable and easy to use method for you to log into your online banking securely.

However, over the last few years the dependency that Digital Certificates have on Java and its update cycle has become an increasing burden for you, our Customer. As Java gets updated, Digital Certificates often stop functioning properly, causing you inconvenience.

Migration Process

Over the coming weeks we will ask you to download, install and activate your personal Soft Token:

  1. 1. The first step is migrating your User ID from Digital Certificate to Soft Token. This will be done automatically when logging in to WIBDirect Corporate.
  2. 2. Activation of your new Soft Token is done via the Self-Service Portal. This new website enables you to download your PC or Mac Soft Token and activate it. Once activated it is ready for use at a later time.

    The Self-Service Portal enables you to do Soft Token and Password maintenance yourself, but of course all WIBDirect Corporate staff is ready to help you with the migration.

Registering, downloading & activating your soft token

Please read and follow the instructions:

Self-Service Portal Instructions
Self-Service Portal Instructions


Until we switch WIBDirect Corporate from Digital Certificate to Soft Token log in, you are logging on as usual. However, after the switch, you will need an activated Soft Token to be able to log in to WIBDirect Corporate.

*No code found.
Balance in NAƒ
Expiration date
The above balance is as of: N/a